Antisocial Behaviour Outside Worthing Bingo Hall Prompts Police Action

Worthing | September 13, 2024
Antisocial Behaviour Outside Worthing Bingo Hall Prompts Police Action

Reports of antisocial behaviour outside Buzz Bingo on Rowlands Road, Worthing, have led to increased police monitoring.

Sussex Police responded to incidents involving drug use and inappropriate behaviour near the bingo hall earlier this week, though no suspects were located during their search.

The police have urged the public to report any information regarding the behaviour or to contact them through the usual channels.

Meanwhile, plans to redevelop the Buzz Bingo site are in progress. Cayuga Developments aims to demolish the current structure and replace it with 47 flats, six houses, and commercial space. Buzz Bingo’s current lease runs until 2039, and discussions with the tenant are ongoing. Public consultations were held in July to gather community feedback before the formal submission of redevelopment plans.