Brooklands Cafe Turns Food Waste into Renewable Energy Through Local Service

Worthing | September 17, 2024
Brooklands Cafe Turns Food Waste into Renewable Energy Through Local Service

Brooklands Cafe in Worthing is using an innovative food waste recycling service provided by Adur and Worthing Councils to convert kitchen leftovers into renewable energy.

The service, which processes waste through anaerobic digestion, transforms food scraps into biogas and biofertiliser, reducing landfill waste and promoting sustainability.

Since the café opened in late 2023, tenants David and Alyssa have been separating food waste for collection by the council’s commercial waste service. This process produces biogas that can power vehicles and biofertiliser that supports soil health in agriculture. The service is a key initiative in diverting up to a third of food waste from local businesses away from landfill.

The UK government’s ‘Simpler Recycling’ plan, announced in October 2023, requires businesses to implement food waste recycling by 2025, with smaller businesses given until 2027. The council is encouraging businesses to reach out for support with the new regulations through its commercial waste services team.

David (right) pictured with Paul (left) from the council commercial food waste team. Photo Credit: Adur and Worthing Councils.