Children Lure Seagulls onto Worthing Road Resulting in Their Deaths

Worthing | July 28, 2024

Two seagulls have died after being lured onto the A24 Broadwater Road in Worthing by children throwing food.

Wadars, a local rescue charity, reported that the birds were enticed onto the road with sandwiches thrown by children. One seagull was killed instantly by a vehicle, while another suffered severe wing injuries and had to be euthanised.

Tracy Cadman, operations director at Wadars, expressed dismay, highlighting that such acts cause significant suffering to wildlife and violate the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, which protects all birds, including the UK Red List-listed Herring Gulls.

Police confirmed they received a report of the incident and attended to ensure no ongoing risk to public safety or wildlife. However, no suspects were found at the scene, and the injured birds had already been removed.