New Community Group Revitalises Worthing Park

Durrington | May 15, 2024

A new community group has launched in Durrington to revitalise the neglected Pond Lane Recreation Ground in Worthing.

The Love Pond Lane Park Durrington Project, formed just a few weeks ago, aims to address years of neglect and has already seen some initial successes.

Chairperson Colin McHale presented 12 ‘quick wins’ to Worthing Borough Council, including repainting the litter bin, replacing a missing gate on the children’s playground, and adding additional seating.

McHale highlighted that graffiti has been removed from the park’s shelter, marking the first of many planned improvements. He emphasised the need for further community involvement and collaboration with the borough council and potential sponsors to continue enhancing the park.

A public Facebook group has been created to engage the local community, with events such as a litter pick planned for June 15. Other proposed improvements include tidying up the car park and addressing long-term issues like flooding.