Scrutiny Committee Publishes Annual Report on Local Services in Worthing and Adur

September 4, 2024
Scrutiny Committee Publishes Annual Report on Local Services in Worthing and Adur

The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JOSC) has published its Annual Report, outlining the work undertaken over the past year to enhance the transparency and accountability of local services in Adur and Worthing. The report highlights key areas of focus, including housing, law enforcement, and water service scrutiny.

The JOSC, made up of councillors from Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council, scrutinises decisions and services affecting local residents. This year, housing emerged as a critical issue, with the committee examining the delivery of housing strategies and advocating for more affordable housing options. A meeting scheduled for November will further address housing challenges in the area.

In addition to housing, the JOSC has engaged with law enforcement and water services. A public Q&A session with Sussex Police allowed residents to question local police leadership. While Southern Water declined to participate in a scrutiny session, the JOSC continues its efforts to hold the company accountable for its services, working with other regional scrutiny groups.

The full report can be downloaded from