Views Sought on Council Homelessness Plans

Residents are being asked for their thoughts on the plans of Adur & Worthing Councils to tackle the homelessness and housing crisis in the area.
Like much of the country, Adur and Worthing are grappling with a worsening housing situation. There is not enough social housing to meet the needs of locals, house prices and rents in the private sector are becoming more and more unaffordable for many and an increasing number of households are finding themselves being made homeless.
Besides the scale of provision, the quality of housing also remains a concern. The councils say they are doing all they can to ensure homes are safe, sustainable and of good quality - both council-owned and all privately-owned properties in the area. They are also working with partners to ensure that residents can quickly and easily get the right help when they need it.
Those points of focus are the centrepiece for a new draft five-year housing strategy for the councils that residents and organisations are being asked to have their say on.
Cllr Ödül Bozkurt, Worthing’s cabinet member for housing and citizen services, said: “Too many of our residents are having to come to us for help because the soaring cost of housing locally means they cannot afford to put a roof over their own heads. A five-year strategy will allow us to focus not just on finding solutions to the issues but also on proactive steps that will help more people to stay in their own homes.”
The councils are keen to hear from as many people as possible about what they think of the strategy. The consultation runs until 7th December.
You can read the Draft Housing Strategy and Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Assessment, and have your say on the strategy at:
If you’d like a paper copy of the consultation, or need help to complete the questions, email
The councils’ Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be reviewing the housing strategy on 7th November. Residents can submit questions for the committee by emailing by midday on Monday 4th November.